Mary the dead killer

''Please don't take this pasta seriously, it's a troll. Hence the site you're one. Anything with Jeff the killer should not be taken seriously. Thanks for reading!''
Mary was a normal girl. a moody bitch to be exact. But there was one thing she loved, Creepypasta. She was what you call a "Fangirl" to a particular pasta. She wrote many fanfics and drew hundreds of fanart. All for her favourite creepypasta Jeff the killer. Mary prays every night to wake up at 3AM and see Jeff's "Beautiful" face. Mary loves Jeff so much she want's too look like Jeff, but is afraid of the consequences.
Mary tries to act as strange as possible to her school friends and family so she'll get bullied and go psychotic, but nothing works. Mary tell's her friends to pretend to bully her so she'll get the "Feeling" like Jeff. Mary does this for weeks but no luck.. until one special day.
It's a Monday and Mary is with her mother. Her mother is driving Mary to school because for the past month Mary has been pissing off people so they'll be mean to her on the streets. "Why can't I walk, I want to reenact Jeff the killer!" Mary complains to her mother, her mother looks at Mary who's sitting in the front seat with her confused. "Jeff the killer?" She asked. "Yeah! Haven't you seen me on my ipad all week?" Mary replied sarcastically, she couldn't believe her mother didn't know.
Mary's mother parked at the school gates. "Bye mum!" Mary concluded, leaving her mother's car. "Oh and Mary. Stop giving kids your lunch money and throwing yourself in the bin, it's stupid" Mary's mum ordered, Mary nodded, maintaining quietness. She was trying to reenact Jeff getting mugged and being bullied.
2 hours later and it's break for Mary. The first thing she does is find someone to mug her. She walks towards a blonde, skinny girl with bright blue eyes. "Hey, you'll be my Keith" Mary implied, the girl looked at Mary confused. "What?" The blonde girl asks. Mary hands her lunch money to the girl and trips her up sneakily. The girl falls quickly, stilling holding her money. "Thanks for mugging me" Mary thanks, leaving the scene while everyone in her school watched her.
Mary is home from school. She plops down her school bag and takes off her blazer to see her mother in the kitchen. "Mary," Her mother says blankly. "Mum" Mary jokes, her mother looks at her unimpressed. "Mary dear. Why would you give a girl some money then trip her up?" Mary's mother questions her. "Wait... so she didn't break her leg?" Mary asks curiously, her mother looked at her shocked and angry. "Are those stories you're reading making you like this?" Mary's mother asked concerned, Mary laughed. "No, that story inspires me to make great things" Mary expresses. "Go to your room Mary, you have disgusted me" Her mother demands, She does so.
Mary sits in her bedroom, thinking about her next chapter in her fanfiction. 25 minutes in and she's written her character being burned alive and waking up beautiful. Mary thinks for a minute. Maybe she should burn herself too! But.. who would do it for her?
One of Mary's friend's dad works with chemicals, maybe he has something flammable. Mary sneaks out her house and walks down her street to her friend Janice's house. She knocks on the door and Janice opens the door. "Hey Janice, can I see your dad's room where he keeps all his chemicals?" Mary asked curiously, Janice nods but is confused. "Uh sure. Why?" Janice asked puzzled. "My mum is looking for a flammable liquid for, work" Mary explains, Janice nods and lets her in. She showed Mary the room her dad test chemicals in and Mary looks in the cupboards for something flammable.
Mary comes across carbon disulphide and see's the flammable hazard on the bottle, smiling. Mary grabs the bottle and rubs the liquid onto her face, laughing in the process. "Not Bleach and alcohol but it'll do," Mary says to herself, putting the bottle back in the cupboard without Janice seeing a thing. "Got a lighter, I want this to be as close as possible to the story" Mary wondered, Janice headed her a bright red lighter. "What story," Janice asked, but before she could say anything else, Mary quickly put the lighter to her face and lit it. She burst into flames instantly. She thought it wouldn't be as painful because the Jeff the killer story didn't explain the pain much but FUCK was it painful. She roared out in pain as her face bubbled and boiled. She felt her skin fall off as she screamed out for help. After a minute of burning pain, Mary slowly passed out from shock. But all she thought about was how beautiful she was gonna be.
A month has passed since the incident and Mary still hasn't seen her new face. She begged for doctors to remove her bandages but they always refused. Day 31 and Mary was finally able to see her face. A male doctor came into the room and began to remove Mary's bandages, it was oddly painful. Mary was confused, her skin felt bumpy and sore. The doctor apologized for any pain I just had and gave me a mirror.
Mary's face wasn't pure white it was red and patchy and half her skin was missing. Mary looked up and saw her hair wasn't black but it was gone! Her beautiful brown was gone. She looked like Freddy Krueger. Mary screamed an annoying scream. "Why aren't I pure white! The story says I'd be like that" Mary complained. "You were burned, dear. Your skin was falling off, not turning white" The male doctor explained, confused why Mary would think such a thing.
Mary's mum arrived at the hospital and saw Mary's face, Mary was smiling. "Mary! my poor baby" Her mother cried, Mary faked a laugh. "Aren't I beautiful? With some white face paint, I'll be perfect" Mary admired, Her mother looked at the doctor. "Is my daughter okay? In the head" Mary's mother asked curiously. "This isn't common, we can give her another week or we can see her a therapist" The doctor requested, Mary's mother declined, Mary was messed in the head anyway.
2 hours later and Mary is in her bathroom, looking at herself. She had a knife and white face paint. She coated on as much white face paint as her face could handle. The paint seeped into her scars and sores, causing Mary agonizing pain. After she was done she grabbed her knife. She decided to go in order so she started with cutting her eyelids. She held onto her eyelid and quickly cut it off, blood rolled down her face as she screamed from the pain. Once she was done with both eyes Mary's eye's started to dry out and she quickly became blind. Mary was in shocked but continued with the pain by grabbing her knife again and pointing it at her cheek. She tried to cry but was unable. She quickly stabbed her cheek without hesitating and created a large hole in her cheek. She hissed in pain. She wanted to be quiet so her mother didn't hear her.
She passed her knife through her cheek to her mouth and laughed an exhausted laughter. She quickly slashed the other side of her mouth, she was used to the pain. Blood gushed out from her two cheeks, it was all over Mary's face and the floor. Mary tried to see her face but she was completely blind. After 5 minutes Mary felt faint and quickly fell to the ground. She had completely passed out and slowly died in her slumber.
2 minutes later, Mary's mother walks into the bathroom. "Mary I looked at what you were reading. Are you-" Before she could finish she saw Mary, dead. She was surprised.
"Well.. this didn't happen in the story"
(Please don't take this story seriously)
(Sorry for any miss spelt words and bad grammar)
(Btw her name is Mary because she's a Mary Sue. I'm so smart)